Welcome to Serendip Gemmological Certification and Valuation Services. As a premier gem lab, we are dedicated to offering accurate and reliable services in the field of gemology. With a passion for gems and a commitment to excellence, we provide comprehensive solutions to meet the needs of gem enthusiasts, traders, and collectors.
Welcome to Serendip Gemmological Certification and Valuation Services. As a premier gem lab, we are dedicated to offering accurate and reliable services in the field of gemology. With a passion for gems and a commitment to excellence, we provide comprehensive solutions to meet the needs of gem enthusiasts, traders, and collectors.
Gem Certification
Gem Valuation
Consultancy Service

About Our Gem Lab

The Serendip Gem Testing Lab was founded in 2022 as a small gemmological laboratory to examine and determine the authenticity of the stones used in Serendip Gems jewellery. This was a way to maintain the trust of its clients and stay true to its ideals. A completely independent subsidiary of the Serendip Gems International Group, the Serendip Gem Testing Lab uses the latest science and state-of-the-art equipment to carry out its analyses. On the basis of this it issues its highly respected Gemmological Reports, Valuation reports which are relied upon by auction houses, jewellers, gem traders, bankers and collectors globally who are looking for unbiased, independent and absolutely trustworthy opinions about their gems.
Serendip Gem Testing Lab team consists of highly qualified and experienced specialists from Sri Lanka.
Each team member is trained specifically in his or her field of work, such as gemmology, the operation of analytical instruments – even gemstone photography. Every gemmologist has a degree in an Earth Science (Geology, Mineralogy, Crystallography, Geography and so forth) complemented by a degree in Gemmology.
Mr. P Rohan K Fernando
Grad Chem, MSc(Peradeniya), PG Diploma(Colombo),MPhil (Consultant in Gemmology & Mineralogy
- Ex - President Gemmologists Association of Sri Lanka
- Past President of Gemmologists Association of Sri Lanka (GASL) and member of the Executive Committee of GASL since year 2008.
Mr. Senarath Yapa
B. Sc. (Peradeniya)
M. Sc. in Gemmology (Peradeniya)
- Retired Director of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs
- Past President of Gemmologists Association of Sri Lanka (GASL) and member of the Executive Committee of GASL since year 2008.
- In the panel of lecturers for DGem (SL), the Diploma programme of GASL and worked as the Chief Examiner for diploma exam for more than 5years until 2023.
- Worked for Advisory Committee for Gem and Jewellery sector of Sri Lanka Exports Development Board since 2016 until 2023.
Dr. Ruvan Karunadasa
Contact Us
L09 Crescat boulevard, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Call Number
(+94)117 007 863
Working Hours
09.30 AM - 19.00 PM